VMEDG 1343: Infectious Diseases in Veterinary Pathology

Credits 2.0

Infectious Diseases in Veterinary Pathology is a 2-credit elective that provides advanced veterinary pathology instruction focusing on select infectious diseases of animals. This class will focus on multiple case-based studies in various species that may include Canidae, Felidae, Bovidae, Equidae, Cervidae, non-human primate, rodent, rabbit, reptile, and other exotic species afflicted by infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, arthropods, protozoans, and helminths. Scanned histopathology slides (glass slides, video, or appropriate images) will be provided to the students prior to each class and students will be expected to read/interpret pathological findings and integrate into etiology (or differential lists), pathologic changes, pathogenesis, and additional diagnostic tools. Students will gain superior abilities in histopathologic and cytologic interpretation, infectious agent identification (bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites), antimicrobial susceptibility determination of mixed bacterial infections, and results interpretations for patient care. This course will be beneficial for those interested in pursuing advanced training in the fields of veterinary pathology, microbiology, research, or practice in the areas of small, large, or exotic animal medicine.

