Integrated Basic Sciences


BASIG 1501: Integrated Basic Sciences I

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1501 provides an overview of cell structure and function, including topics on molecular cell biology, metabolism, epithelium, general connective tissues, and blood. Module 1: Cell and Molecular Biology outlines the basic histological structure and biochemical function of the cell with emphasis on transcription, translation, and control of gene expression. Module 2: Metabolism focuses on normal cell metabolism and includes application of the basic concepts of metabolism to cases. Module 3: Epithelium, General Connective Tissues, and Blood defines the basic structure, function, and biochemical characteristics of two basic histological tissues: epithelium and connective tissue. This module also includes an introduction to cellular adaptations, injury, and death and to peripheral blood cells and hemopoiesis. The biochemical basis of hemostasis is described. Disorders of hemostasis and their consequences are discussed.

BASIG 1502: Integrated Basic Sciences II

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1502 provides an overview of cancer, genetics, lymphatic system, and immunology. In Module 4: Cancer and Genetics emphasis is placed on DNA mutations, polymorphisms, patterns of inheritance in human diseases, cytogenetics, and molecular basis of cancer. Module 5: Lymphatic System and Immunology includes the gross anatomy and histology of the lymphatic system and the structure/function of the immune system. Basic precepts of the lymphatic system and immunology will be applied to inflammation, tissue repair and healing. Understanding of immunology will be applied to immune responses to infectious agents. Also included are: development and pathology of immunologically-mediated diseases, immune responses to transplants, cancer, HIV infection, and therapeutic use of drugs affecting the immune system.

BASIG 1503: Integrated Basic Sciences III

Credits 4.5
BASIG 1503 provides an overview of infectious diseases, integument, and blood disorders. Module 6: Introduction to Infectious Diseases provides fundamental understanding of basic concepts in microbiology to accurately identify and manage infectious diseases. The information will aid in the management of the patient’s health and general well-being. In Module 7: Integument and Blood Disorders, students combine their knowledge of epithelium and connective tissue to learn the basic structure and function of the integument. This module further describes common infections and pathologies of the integument as well as blood-borne infections and blood disorders.

BASIG 1504: Integrated Basic Sciences IV

Credits 2.5
BASIG 1504 provides an overview of the Musculoskeletal System (Module 8). Module 8 includes: the basic concepts of embryology, an introduction to gross anatomy, the structure and function of skeletal and smooth muscle and the development of bone and cartilage. Muscle membrane excitability and the molecular basis of muscle contraction are discussed. Diseases of bone and soft tissues are included. This module contains lectures and two laboratory sessions that describe upper extremity anatomy and function.

BASIG 1505: Integrated Basic Sciences V

Credits 4.5
BASIG 1505 provides an overview of the structure and function of the nervous system and is composed of one module titled Nervous System (Module 9). This module begins by discussing the nervous system in terms of its organization, support systems, and structure including the histology of nervous tissue, brain biochemistry, and mechanisms of neurotransmission including development of action potentials and synaptic transmission. This is followed by nervous system development, and then descriptions of the structure and function of the somatosensory pathways, descending motor systems, auditory, vestibular, and visual systems, and finally finishing with the cerebral cortex. Common clinical concerns are also discussed including relevant microbiology and pathology.

BASIG 1506: Integrated Basic Sciences VI

Credits 4.5
BASIG 1506 provides an overview of the structure and function of the Cardiovascular (Module 11) and Respiratory Systems (Module 12). Module 11: Cardiovascular System begins with a discussion of the anatomy, histology, and embryological development of the heart and circulatory system. Other topics included are cardiac muscle function, electrophysiology of cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, and cardiac performance. Control of cardiovascular function integrates discussions of hemodynamics, regional circulation, and arterial blood pressure. Module 12: Respiratory System discusses the anatomy and histology of the respiratory system, mechanics of breathing, gas transport, and regulation of respiration. Relevant topics in microbiology, pathophysiology, and pathology are described in both modules.

BASIG 1507: Integrated Basic Sciences VII

Credits 3.5
BASIG 1507 provides an overview of the Endocrine System (Module 13) and the Gastrointestinal (GI) System (Module 14). In Module 13 the disciplines of histology and physiology describe the basic structure and normal function of the Endocrine System. Topics discussed include the hypothalamic control of endocrine secretion and regulation of individual endocrine organs. Common disorders of the Endocrine System are discussed by the pathology faculty. Module 14 Gastrointestinal System includes topics such as: chewing, swallowing and digestion. The gross anatomical, histological, physiological, microbiological, and pathological aspects of the GI system are discussed.

BASIG 1508: Integrated Basic Sciences VIII

Credits 2.5
BASIG 1508 provides an overview of the Urogenital System (Module 15). Topics included in the first part of the module are: the anatomy of the urogenital system, histology of the urinary system, renal tubular transport mechanisms, the production of urine, the control of extracellular fluid volume, and acid/base balance. The second part of the module provides an overview of the structure and function of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems. Diseases of the urogenital system are discussed.

BASIG 1509: Integrated Basic Sciences IX

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1509 provides an overview of the Gross Anatomy of the Head and Neck (Module 16). This module provides instruction in the fundamental head and neck gross anatomy information required for clinical training. Three-dimensional relationships among anatomical structures are reinforced by in-depth dissections of the head and neck. Students are expected to use this anatomical information to elucidate and solve case-based problems commonly seen in clinical practice. Student dissection of the head and neck is performed under faculty supervision during three 3-hour laboratories per week.

BASIG 1510: Integrated Basic Sciences I

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1510 provides an overview of cell structure and function, including topics on molecular cell biology, metabolism, epithelium, general connective tissues, and blood. Module 1: Cell Biology outlines the basic histological structure and biochemical function of the cell. Module 2: Molecular Cell Biology and Metabolism focuses on transcription, translation, control of gene expression, and normal cell metabolism. Module 3: Epithelium, General Connective Tissues, and Blood defines the basic structure, function and biochemical characteristics of two basic histological tissues: epithelium and connective tissue. This module also includes an introduction to peripheral blood cells and hematopoiesis. The biochemical basis of hemostasis is described. Disorders of hemostasis and their consequences are discussed.

BASIG 1511: Integrated Basic Sciences II

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1511 provides an overview of cancer, genetics, lymphatic system and immunology. In Module 4: Cancer and Genetics, emphasis is placed on DNA mutations, polymorphisms, patterns of inheritance in human diseases, cytogenetics, and molecular basis of cancer. Module 5: Lymphatic System and Immunology, includes gross anatomy and histology of the lymphatic system and structure/function of the immune system. Basic precepts of the lymphatic system and immunology will be applied to inflammation, tissue repair and healing. Understanding of immunology will be applied to immune responses to infectious agents. Also included are: development and pathology of immunologically-mediated diseases, immune responses to transplants, cancer, HIV infection, and therapeutic use of drugs affecting the immune system.

BASIG 1512: Integrated Basic Sciences III

Credits 4.5

BASIG 1512 provides an overview of infectious diseases, integument and blood disorders. Module 6: Introduction to Infectious Diseases provides fundamental understanding of basic concepts in microbiology to accurately identify and manage infectious diseases. The information will aid in the management of the patient’s health and general well-being. In Module 7: Integument and Blood Disorders, students combine knowledge of epithelium, connective tissue, and peripheral blood to learn the basic structure and function of the integument. This module further describes common infections and pathologies of the integument as well as blood-borne infections and blood disorders.

BASIG 1513: Integrated Basic Sciences IV

Credits 2.5
BASIG 1513 provides an overview of the Musculoskeletal System. Module 8 includes: the basic concepts of embryology, an introduction to gross anatomy, the structure and function of skeletal and smooth muscle and the development of bone and cartilage. Muscle membrane excitability and the molecular basis of muscle contraction are discussed. Diseases of bone and soft tissues are included. This module contains lectures and two laboratory sessions that describe upper extremity anatomy and function.

BASIG 1514: Integrated Basic Sciences V

Credits 4.5
BASIG 1514 provides an overview of the structure and function of the nervous system and is composed of one module titled Nervous System. Module 9 begins by discussing the nervous system in terms of its organization, support systems, and structure including the histology of nervous tissue, brain biochemistry, and mechanisms of neurotransmission including development of action potentials and synaptic transmission. This is followed by nervous system development, and then descriptions of the structure and function of the somatosensory pathways, descending motor systems, auditory, vestibular, and visual systems, and finally finishing with the cerebral cortex. Common clinical concerns are also discussed including relevant microbiology and pathology.

BASIG 1515: Integrated Basic Sciences VI

Credits 4.5
BASIG 1515 provides an overview of the structure and function of the Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems. Module 11: Cardiovascular System begins with a discussion of the anatomy, histology, and embryological development of the heart and circulatory system. Other topics included are cardiac muscle function, electrophysiology of cardiac muscle, cardiac cycle, and cardiac performance. Control of cardiovascular function integrates discussions of hemodynamics, regional circulation, and arterial blood pressure. Module 12: Respiratory System discusses the anatomy and histology of the respiratory system, mechanics of breathing, gas transport, and regulation of respiration. Relevant topics in microbiology, pathophysiology, and pathology are described in both modules.

BASIG 1516: Integrated Basic Sciences VII

Credits 3.5
BASIG 1516 provides an overview of the Endocrine System and the Gastrointestinal (GI) System. In Module 13 the disciplines of histology and physiology describe the basic structure and normal function of the Endocrine System. Topics discussed include the hypothalamic control of endocrine secretion and regulation of individual endocrine organs. Common disorders of the Endocrine System are discussed by the pathology faculty. Module 14 Gastrointestinal System includes topics such as: chewing, swallowing and digestion. The gross anatomical, histological, physiological, microbiological, and pathological aspects of the GI system are discussed.

BASIG 1517: Integrated Basic Sciences VIII

Credits 2.5
BASIG 1517 provides an overview of the Urogenital System. Topics included in the first part of module 15 are: the anatomy of the urogenital system, histology of the urinary system, renal tubular transport mechanisms, the production of urine, the control of extracellular fluid volume, and acid/base balance. The second part of the module provides an overview of the structure and function of the Male and Female Reproductive Systems. Diseases of the urogenital system are discussed.

BASIG 1518: Integrated Basic Sciences IX

Credits 4.0
BASIG 1518 provides an overview of the Gross Anatomy of the Head and Neck. Module 16 provides instruction in the fundamental head and neck gross anatomy information required for clinical training. Three-dimensional relationships among anatomical structures are reinforced by in-depth dissections of the head and neck. Students are expected to use this anatomical information to elucidate and solve case-based problems commonly seen in clinical practice. Student dissection of the head and neck is performed under faculty supervision during three 3-hour laboratories per week.