

CLMDG 1301: Research Elective

Credits 1.0

Students will participate in ongoing research projects under the direction of a Midwestern University faculty member or off-campus clinical or basic science research under the direction of a qualified and approved research principal investigator.

CLMDG 1302: Teaching in Anatomical Sciences

Credits 1.0 2.00

During medical school, students prepare to become diagnosticians, prescribers, case managers, counselors, and informed research consumers. However, they do not receive instruction in one of the most important roles they will be expected to fulfill in their careers – that of a teacher/educator. Students will learn the basic skills of effective teaching in small and large group settings and will apply the skills they learn by teaching in gross anatomy laboratories, dissection workshops, and/or ultrasound workshops.

CLMDG 1303: Osteopathic Clinical Medicine Table Trainers

Credits 2.0

The CLMDG Table Trainer Elective provides OMS II students with the opportunity to review osteopathic clinical medicine skills, including both OMM and physical examination techniques. OMS II students will review OCMDG core technique videos & lab material & take a short 2-3 question Canvas quiz. They will attend a hands-on review session with the OMM Scholars on Tuesday afternoons and teach the lab material to OMS I students, under the supervision of OCMDG faculty and OMM scholars, on Wednesdays, according to the course schedule. They will also assist the OMM scholars in open lab on days prior to practical examinations. The course is graded on a Pass/Fail basis and is 2.0 credit hours each quarter.

CLMDG 1305: The Integration of Medicine and Dentistry: The Future of Patient Healthcare

Credits 1.0

The course is designed to familiarize medical students with the interprofessional concepts of the oral-systemic connection, dental trauma, mutual care of chronic diseases, dental oncology, smoking cessation, sleep medicine, caries prevention in primary care settings, nutrigenomics, oral manifestations of commonly used medications, polypharmacy and deprescribing, and HPV/ head and neck cancers interprofessional approach to prevention and treatment. The course is taught via 5, 2-hour, in-person lectures.


CLMDG 1308: Addiction Medicine

Credits 1.0

One out of every seven patients that a physician sees will have a lifetime history of an addictive disorder.  The treatment and diagnosis of addiction is critically important for medical students to learn.  This elective will be based on the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s textbook, “Principles of Addiction Medicine”, as well as the ASAM 2000 review course in Addiction Medicine.  Clinical case lectures will relate to the assessment and treatment of addictive disorders with an emphasis on drug types.

Course Objectives:


  1. Student to understand the genetic predisposition for addictive disorders and be able to identify them based on family history.
  2. Understand the underlying neurochemistry, neurocircuitry and neuroadaptation as a basis for understanding the clinical presentations of active addiction, withdrawal states and psychiatric illnesses associated with addictive behaviors.
  3. Be able to diagnose addictive disorders based on DMS-IV criteria and distinguish dependence from abuse.
  4. Understand the basic principles of pain treatment with an emphasis on the regulatory issues surrounding the use of controlled substances.
  5. Understand the acute intoxication, acute withdrawal and post-acute withdrawal states associated with alcohol, sedative-hypnotics, opioids and stimulants as based upon the pharmacology and neurocircuitry that is affected by these substances.

CLMDG 1308 : Addiction Medicine

Credits 1.0

One out of every seven patients that a physician sees will have a lifetime history of an addictive disorder. The treatment and diagnosis of addiction is critically important for medical students to learn. This elective will be based on the American Society of Addiction Medicine’s textbook, “Principles of Addiction Medicine”, as well as the ASAM 2000 review course in Addiction Medicine. Clinical case lectures will relate to the assessment and treatment of addictive disorders with an emphasis on drug types.

CLMDG 1346: Medical Hypnosis

Credits 1.0

This course will instruct medical students in the techniques and applications of medical hypnosis for future use in their medical practice. The course is designed in a format of 10 weeks, 1 hour per session modules to accomplish learning objectives. This course is most effective when taught through lecture, demonstration and pairing of students to practice techniques with each other.
In this 10-week course, the students will learn how to do Hypnosis and Self-Hypnosis The first half of the hour is spent lecturing and/or demonstrating a technique. The students then pair-up and perform the technique on one another.

CLMDG 1350: Essential Procedures

Credits 1.0

This one credit elective course is designed to provide the student with an introduction to clinical skills commonly performed while completing a surgical, anesthesia, emergency medicine, or critical care clerkship.

CLMDG 1352: Obstetrics and Gynecology Clinical Skills Development

Credits 1.0

This course focuses on the development of fundamental knowledge specific to the specialty of obstetrics and
gynecology. This course develops the clinical skill set necessary to succeed in OB/GYN clerkship and residency. Students
will have the opportunity to learn from clinical vignettes and observing/participating in Clinical and surgical management
of abnormal pap smear, cervical cancer, management of maternal and fetal changes during labor, hypoxia, and acidosis.
This course also focuses on high-risk pregnancies and their outcomes.

CLMDG 1354: A Foundation for Leadership in Your LIfe

Credits 2.0

This course is filled with opportunities for you to discover for yourself a new context for leadership in your life. The course is designed to increase workability in your relationships with others and increase performance in your work.

CLMDG 1355: AZCOM Basic Cranial Course

Credits 3.0

Osteopathic Cranial Manipulative Medicine (OCMM) is an elective 40-hour basic cranial course that goes far beyond the cranial teaching in the regular curriculum. This course is offered to OMS II students just prior to the beginning of their fall quarter. This course is also a requirement for OMM Scholars enrolled in the Applied Master of Osteopathic Education degree program. It is one of their third-year courses, taken while on their elective OMM rotation. AZCOM associated O-NMM Residents, AZCOM faculty and preceptors are also invited to participate. This course is a hands-on introductory basic course as approved by the Osteopathic Cranial Academy (OCA) which allows students to become certified members of the academy. It includes lectures, small group discussions and closely supervised hands-on labs.

CLMDG 1356: Medical Spanish

Credits 1.0

This course is designed to expose medical students with minimal experience speaking medical Spanish to basic Spanish vocabulary, phrases and commands that can be used in the healthcare setting as well as increasing understanding of cultural attitudes which may impact medical care.
Please note this course is not intended to provide clinical education, but only the framework of Spanish vocabulary, so when appropriate medical skills have been acquired through medical education, the student should be able to apply the Spanish vocabulary.

CLMDG 1360: Point of Care Ultrasound

Credits 2.0

This elective course, students will be required to participate in weekly, clinically-based ultrasound lectures and workshops. Students will be required to demonstrate on one another proper procedures for bedside examinations common to point-of-care ultrasound. Additionally, students will utilize simulation devices to learn to properly locate and identify with ultrasound specific clinical pathologies.

CLMDG 1365: Physician Finance and Wellness

Credits 0.5

This is an interactive course that covers the basics of personal finance, investing, and wellness. Students will also gain an in-depth understanding of options for student loan repayment and forgiveness. Lectures will be posted on Canvas the day before they are given in class.

CLMDG 1402: Pediatrics

Credits 1.0

This 5-week course has been designed for those students that have a high-level interest in joining the Pediatric specialty. A strong emphasis will be placed on knowledge of a high-level overview of well child exam, immunizations, developmental milestones, newborn care, breastfeeding and rashes. This course will concentrate on clinical case presentations, development of differential diagnosis and developing an appropriate management plan to care for pediatric patients.

ELECG 1801: Elective Rotations

Credits 36.0

There are 24 weeks of electives during the fourth year. Elective rotations may be done in two or four week blocks. Students may request to do electives in basic science or clinical research. Additionally, if approved, one 4-week elective can be used for an international rotation, or military officer training. All electives must be approved by the appropriate Department Chair. Additional policies regarding electives are provided in the Department of Clinical Education Rotation Manual.

ELECG 1801: Research Rotation

Credits 6.0

The Research Rotation is an experiential 4-week rotation during which students work under the supervision of their Program Director to prepare and submit their poster presentation/abstract/manuscript related to the quality improvement or research activity that they did during the second year of the Applied Master of Osteopathic Medicine program. Students are eligible to receive credit for a rotation in the AZCOM curriculum at the same time.

IPECG 1401A: Improving Patient Safety I

Credits 1.5

IPECG 1401 is a seven-week interprofessional education course conducted asynchronously online. It is designed for students, working on authentic teams to develop the skills to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors through well-planned systems of performance measurement and quality improvement. The skills learned will range from taking ownership of patient and system safety issues to developing solid interpersonal professional relationships.

IPECG 1402A: Improving Patient Safety II

Credits 1.5

This interprofessional, on-line elective is designed for students, working on authentic healthcare teams, to develop the skills needed to improve patient safety and reduce medical errors through well-planned systems of performance measurement and quality improvement. The skills learned will range from taking ownership of quality improvement for patient and system safety issues to developing solid interpersonal professional relationships.

IPECG 1404A: Leadership in Healthcare Teams

Credits 1.5

This interprofessional, on-line elective is designed for students, working on authentic healthcare teams, to develop the skills needed for leadership in their area(s) of practice. The skills learned will range from taking ownership of patient issues to developing solid interpersonal professional relationships.