Dual Credit Courses from Professional Programs

(up to 18 dual credits allowed) 

Students enrolled in a dual degree program at Midwestern University may be awarded up to 18 quarter-credit hours towards the M.S. degree for approved courses completed satisfactorily in their professional primary degree programs. These courses are preapproved by the Precision Medicine Program Director with input from respective professional program advisors, and courses are identified in the University Catalog as eligible for dual credit in the M.S. in Precision Medicine Program. The following are examples of courses from primary degree programs (e.g., Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine) that are eligible for full or partial dual credit for the purposes of the dual degree M.S. in Precision Medicine. A credit amount followed by * indicates the amount of partial dual credit allowed for the course. The awarding of only partial credit is due to the presence of some content within the course that is not closely related to Precision Medicine topics, or which substantially duplicates Precision Medicine coursework.

Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine 

BIOCD 1501 Biochemistry I
5.0 credits

BIOCD 1502 Biochemistry II
3.0 credits*

PHYSD 1501 Physiology I
4.0 credits

PHYSD 1502 Physiology II
5.5 credits

MICRD 1652 Infectious Disease, Etiologic Agents, and the Immune Response I
8.0 credits

MICRD 1653 Infectious Disease, Etiologic Agents, and the Immune Response II
5.0 credits 

PATHD 1601 Pathology I 
5.0 credits  

PATHD 1602 Pathology II 
6.0 credits 

PATHD 1603 Pathology III 
4.5 credits 

PHARD 1670 Pharmacology I 
5.0 credits 

PHARD 1671 Pharmacology II 
3.0 credits 

PHARD 1672 Pharmacology III 
2.0 credits 

Arizona College of Osteopathic Medicine 

BIOCG 1511 Biochemistry I 
5.0 credits* 

BIOCG 1522 Biochemistry II 
2.0 credits* 

PHYSG 1521 Physiology I 
5.0 credits 

PHYSG 1532 Physiology II 
4.5 credits 

MICRG 1531 Immunology 
2.5 credits 

MICRG 1615 Microbiology I 
4.0 credits 

MICRG 1625 Microbiology II 
4.0 credits 

PATHG 1611 Pathology I 
5.0 credits 

PATHG 1622 Pathology II 
5.0 credits 

PATHG 1633 Pathology III 
5.0 credits 

PHARG 1610 Pharmacology I 
3.5 credits 

PHARG 1620 Pharmacology II 
3.5 credits 

PHARG 1630 Pharmacology III 
3.0 credits 

College of Veterinary Medicine

MICRG 1522 Veterinary Immunology 
3.0 credits 

MICRG 1671 Veterinary Microbiology I 
4.0 credits 

MICRG 1672 Veterinary Microbiology II 
3.0 credits 

MICRG 1673 Veterinary Parasitology 
3.0 credits 

PHARG 1660 Veterinary Pharmacology I 
3.0 credits 

PHARG 1661 Veterinary Pharmacology II 
3.0 credits 

PHYSG 1512 Veterinary Physiology I 
3.0 credits 

PHYSG 1522 Veterinary Physiology II 
2.0 credits 

PHYSG 1533 Veterinary Physiology III 
4.0 credits 

VMEDG 1641 Veterinary Pathology I 
5.0 credits 

VMEDG 1642 Veterinary Pathology II 
5.0 credits 

VMEDG 1645 Clinical Pathology 
4.0 credits 

Arizona College of Dental Medicine 

BASIG 1501 Integrated Basic Science Sequence I
4.0 credits 

BASIG 1502 Integrated Basic Science Sequence II
3.0 credit* 

BASIG 1503 Integrated Basic Science Sequence III
4.5 credits 

BASIG 1505 Integrated Basic Science Sequence V 
4.5 credits 

BASIG 1506 Integrated Basic Science Sequence VI 
2.5 credits* 

PHARG 1601 General Pharmacology I  
2.0 credits 

PHARG 1621 General Pharmacology II 
3.0 credits 

Illinois College of Dental Medicine 

IBSSD 1520 Molecular, Cellular and Tissue Structure and Function
5.0 credits 

IBSSD 1521 Clinical Neuroscience for Dental Students
2.5. credits* 

IBSSD 1522 Blood, Lymphoid Tissue and Immunology
4.0 credits

IBSSD 1530 Essential of Infectious Disease, Integument and Lymphoreticular Systems  
3.o credits

IBSSD 1534 Cardiovascular and Respiratory Systems
3.0 credits*

IBSSD 1535 Gastrointestinal System
2.0 credits*

PHARD 1620 General Pharmacology I
2.0 credits

PHARD 1630 General Pharmacology II
3.0 credits

Arizona College of Optometry 

BASIG 1510 Integrated Basic Science Sequence I
4.0 credits

BASIG 1511 Integrated Basic Science Sequence II
3.0 credits*

BASIG 1512 Integrated Basic Science Sequence III
4.5 credits

BASIG 1514 Integrated Basic Science Sequence V
4.5 credits

BASIG 1515 Integrated Basic Science Sequence VI
2.5 credits*

PHARG 1602 General Pharmacology I 
2.0 credits 

PHARC 1623 General Pharmacology II 
3.0 credits 

Illinois College of Optometry 

PATHD 1501 Pathology/Histology I 
2.0 credits 

PHYSD 1530 Human Physiology I 
3.5 credits 

MICRD 1590 Immunology 
2.0 credits 

PHYSD 1531 Human Physiology II 
3.5 credits 

BIOCD 1590 Biochemistry for Optometry 
1.5 credits 

MICRD 1582 Microbiology 
1.5 credits 

PATHD 1502 Pathology/Histology II  
2.5 credits 

PHARD 1641 Pharmacology I 
3.0 credits 

PHARD 1642 Pharmacology II 
2.0 credits 

Illinois College of Pharmacy 

BIOCD 1556 Biochemistry I 
2.5 credits 

PHYSD 1524 Human Physiology I 
3.5 credits 

BIOCD 1557 Biochemistry II 
3.5 credits 

MICRD 1521 Introduction to Immunology and Biologics 2 credits MICRD 1620 Infectious Diseases and Their Etiological Agents
3 credits 

PHYSD 1525 Human Physiology II 
3.5 credits 

PSCID 1384 Advanced Topics in Pharmacogenomics
2 credits 

Arizona College of Pharmacy 

BIOCG 1551 Biochemistry 
3 credits 

PHYSG 1501 Human Physiology I 
3 credits 

MICRG 1553 Immunology 
3 credits 

PHYSG 1502 Human Physiology II 
3 credits 

BIOCG 1552 Molecular Biology and Human Genetics
2 credits 

MICRG 1513 Microbiology 
3 credits 

PSCIG 1358 Pharmacogenomics 
1.5 credits 

PHIDG 1609 Integrated Sequence 9 
3.5 credits 

PHIDG 1608 Integrated Sequence 8 
6.0 credits 

PPRAG 1665 Ethical Decision Making 
2.0 credits 

PPRAG 1672 Research Methods 
3.0 credits

PPRAG 1440 Advanced Research Methods: Using Analytics in Healthcare Research
1.5 credits 

Illinois Physician Assistant Program 

ANATD 0500 Human Gross Anatomy and Embryology
7.0 credits 

BIOCD 0551 Human Biochemistry  
3.0 credits 

BIOCD 0552 Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition 
3.0 credits 

ANATD 0565 Human Neurosciences  
4.0 credits 

PHARD 0584 Pharmacology I  
3.0 credits 

PHYSD 0510 Human Physiology I  
3.5 credits 

MICRD 0576 Immunology  
2.0 credits 

PHARD 0585 Pharmacology II   
3.0 credits 

PHYSD 0511 Human Physiology II  
3.5 credits 

BIOCD 0581 Human Genetics  
1.0 credit 

MICRD 0582 Infectious Diseases   
4.0 credits 

PHARD 0586 Pharmacology III  
3.0 credits 

Arizona Physician Assistant Program 

ANATG 1553 Human Anatomy and Embryology (with Gross Anatomy Lab)  
7.0 credits 

BIOCG 551 Human Biochemistry 
4.0 credits

PASSG 568 Medical Ethics, Epidemiology & Evidence-Based Medicine  
2.0 credits 

PHARG 566 Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics I
3.0 credits 

PHYSG 1575 Human Physiology I   
4.0 credits 

MICRG 570 Microbiology  
3.0 credits

PHARG 570 Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics II  
3.0 credits 

PHYSG 1586 Human Physiology II 
4.0 credits 

PHARG 580 Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics III  
3.0 credits