PPRAG 1449: Advanced Research Methods: Using Analytics in Health Care Research

Credits 3.0

This course is designed to give students practical, hands-on experience in literature review, development of research questions and hypotheses, study design, analytics, and research reporting. Working iteratively throughout the course, students develop a research project on a topic of their choice, complete an ethics application, analyze the data, and produce a final research report. The report may be cited as a research project on applications for residency or fellowship and may be suitable for conversion after course completion to a poster presentation for one or more scientific meetings. Focus is on practical methods, effective project management, and basic interpretive techniques to facilitate research projects for residency, fellowship, or employment. The course prepares students to engage and collaborate effectively with a health care team, using evidence-based, accurate analysis and clear communication about statistical results.


A grade of "B" or better in both courses and permission of the instructor