Degree Description

The Master of Arts in Biomedical Sciences (MA) degree is a full-time, three-quarter, graduate-level, coursework only program. This program is designed to help students with a bachelor's degree, preferably with a major in the sciences, improve the student's academic foundation in the biomedical sciences and augment the student's credentials for admission into medical school, dental school, or other health professional programs. All students take a minimum of 45 quarter hour credits. Courses include: biochemistry, molecular cell biology, genetics, histology, human anatomy (with lab), human physiology, microbiology, immunology, pharmacology, medical ethics, and the capstone project. The capstone project includes preparation of a scholarly, literature-based portfolio on a topic chosen by the student, and a presentation of the chosen topic. In addition, students are required to take elective credits if needed to bring the total quarter credits to 15 or more credits. Elective credits are offered in a variety of disciplines, including other biomedical science, ethics, research, or professional preparation courses.